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2018 CPC Practice Exam Answer Key 150 Questions With Full Rationale (HCPCS, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, CPT Codes) Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions with Full Rationale Answers

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Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions and answers with full rationale

Update Your Understanding of Shoulder Arthroscopy Codes

Anatomy is important when applying bundling rules to procedures. The shoulder is a complex joint, and proper coding for shoulder procedures requires a strong foundation of knowledge in anatomy and physiology. Shoulder arthroscopy codes particularly can be confusing as the guidelines for arthroscopic shoulder surgeries have changed considerably in the last decade. Here are some […]

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AAPC Knowledge Center

shoulder scope

Need opinions. Now working for new Ortho practice & their dictation is different than I am used to seeing. I would really appreciate if I get another opinion re: codes on this op report. I might just be reading it over to many times and doubting myself. But as I said, I am so used to the transcription from the previous practice I was at. Thanks for your help

After completion of the diagnostic arthroscopy attention was paid to the long head of the biceps. Utilizing an arthroscopic scissors as well as an ArthroCare wand, the biceps tendon was separated from the superior labrum. The biceps tendon immediately retracted into the bicipital groove. The circumferential labrum tear was debrided with a sucker shaver and the arthrocare wand. Capsulotomy was performed with sucker shaver and electrocautery device. Attention was paid to the rotator interval which is open from the superior glenohumeral ligament to the subscapularis tendon. Capsule overlying the subscapularis tendon was then debrided and removed. Attention was then paid to the posterior capsule, extending from the 11 o’clock position to the 7 o’clock position the capsule was debrided away. At the inferior aspect of the debridement, the axillary nerve was identified. 7:00 portal was placed into the shoulder and debridement of the osteophyte was performed with sucker shaver, 4 oh bone cutter, and bur. C-arm was used to confirm location on the inferior humeral head. Neural lysis was performed to free of the nerve. *
Instruments were removed from the shoulder and the trocar was redirected into the subacromial space. The subacromial space an 18-gauge needle was placed to localize the lateral portal site and was directly visualized. An 11 blade was then used established the portal site. This was followed by insertion of the 4.5mm cannula and ArthroCare wand. Both ArthroCare wand and sucker shaver were used to debride the subacromial bursa. The coracoacromial ligament was left intact. No bursal sided tears were identified in the subacromial space. After completion of the subacromial bursectomy instruments were removed from the shoulder.**
Open subpectoral biceps tenodesis was performed. The patient’s arm was placed in an externally rotated position on a padded mayo stand. The pectoralis major tendon was identified as well as the axillary fold. An incision 1 cm lateral to the axillary fold extending 2 cm distal of the pectoralis major tendon was made with an indelible marker. The skin incision was performed with a 15 blade followed by dissection with electrocautery down to the fascia overlying the long head of the biceps. An interval between the long head of the biceps and short head of the biceps was identified and digitally dissected down to the fascia directly overlying the long head biceps tendon. The sheath was opened with Metzenbaum scissors and the long head of the biceps tendon was delivered with a right angle clamp. Marking the musculotendinous junction, a FiberWire loop on Keith needle was used to whipstitch 1.5 cm distal to the musculotendinous junction. The remaining tendon was excised. Utilizing a Chandler retractor to protect the medial structures, and a Homan retractor to expose the humerus, and an Army-Navy to expose the bicipital groove and retract the pectoralis major tendon superior, the drill guidewire for the Arthrex bio tenodesis screw and button guide was drilled through the anterior and posterior cortex of the humerus. This was followed by an 8 mm acorn reamer through the anterior cortex. Drill guide and reamer were removed from the shoulder. The strands of the biceps tendon were tied through the biceps button using a "marionette" suture technique. The biceps button was placed through the posterior cortex and flipped. The biceps tendon was brought into the tunnel using the marionette suture techniquie. An arthroscopic knot pusher was used to tie off the strands intramedullary. A single strand was passed through the arthrex screw driver and a 7x10mm PEEK screw was inserted into the anterior cortex. The remaining two sutures were tied over the top of the screw and cut. The wound was thoroughly irrigated and the wound was closed with 2-0 Vicryl deep dermal and skin staples.*
All portals were closed with 3-0 monocryl, and dressed with skin glue and steristrips, folded 4 x 4, Tegaderm. Patient was placed in a shoulder sling without abduction pillow, patient was awoken from anesthesia without complication and transferred to the PACU where he recovered without incident and was discharged home.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Osteoarthritis shoulder

Hello! I have a physician that has documented in his HPI: Has had right shoulder surgery, with follow up with ortho later today David PA-C. She is having PT.

Coded this a M19.019 Primary Osteoarthritis, Unspecified Shoulder

History: Patients reason for surgery, repair of a rotator cuff tear.

I feel this isn’t enough documentation to code osteoarthritis or is it?

Either I’m having a bad week or my providers documentation is awful….

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty treatment for complex fracture of proximal humeru

I am second guessing myself for the CPT code for a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty treatment for complex fracture of right proximal humerus.

I was going to use CPT code 23472. However now I am wondering should I be using CPT code 23616?


Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Arthroscopic shoulder procedure questions

Hi All!

I am trying to figure out how to code some arthroscopic procedures and the more I try to figure it out the more I am confusing myself! :confused: If some one could help explain this to me it would be appreciated!!

First – if the doctor does a subacromial decompression along with other procedures (i.e. rotator cuff repair, debridement, etc.) but does not do an acromioplasty can I still use 29826 or does the acromioplasty need to be done to use that code? And if it can’t be used, what code would be used?

Second – my doctors are documenting that they did an arthroscopic Suprascapular nerve decompression at the same time as other procedures (i.e. rotator cuff, debridement, tendodesis, etc.). Is this billed separately or bundled with the other procedures. If it is billable, the unlisted arthro code 29999 would be billed, however what code would this be comparable to?

Any help would be appreciated. I am hoping for an answer as soon as possible as my claim is pending for the right answer!!


Jodi Dibble. CPC, COC

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Generic R or L Shoulder Tendonitis Help

Good afternoon!

I do coding for an urgent care facility and a small practice. Both seem to have their dx of "R shoulder tenonitis" or "L shoulder tendonitis". It is always vague. Should I use codes from M75.8 group or just put a generic M77.9 tendonitis code? With the M77.9 there is no right or left.

I’m leaning more towards the M75.8 group. This case would be M75.81 for dx of Tendonitis R Shoulder. My reasoning is that the M75.81 group states "Other shoulder lesions refers to abnormalities which can involve any of the structures of the shoulder due to inflammation, tumor, degeneration, trauma, or other medical conditions. The provider specifies a type of right shoulder lesion not represented by another specific code in this category." I have only been coding for a few months, so any help would be appreciated!

Have a great weekend!


Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Help on Total Shoulder Question Please

Wondering if I can please get some guidance on the following as I’ve never ran into this before and am unsure how to handle.

We have a patient that went in for a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (23474).
During surgery there was an intraoperative humeral shaft fracture.
The provider lists the total shoulder arthroplasty and ORIF of humeral shaft fracture.
Are these separately billable? Or is the fracture repair included since it was an intraoperative complication?

The same patient was taken back in for surgery the following day because of Interval loss of fracture reduction.
The provider lists Revision, ORIF, left humerus and Revision of humeral bearing component.

I’m really struggling with it and probably over-thinking it, so any guidance is much appreciated. Thank you!

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Arthroscopic shoulder procedure w/open rotator cuff repair

Help please… I am having a issue with our Physician. He does not think he is getting paid for everything he is doing. I am trying to be vigilant in using the correct codes but these modifier edit’s are confusing me even more now…could be overthinking. Any advice would be so greatly appreciate…. always a learning profession….

Am I understanding this or am I way off…

Want to code this way: 23410-LT 29828-59, 29826-59 and 29823. Not use 29820

29828, 29826 29823 (NCCI edit Presence of an anatomic site modifier on this code(s) 23410 is suppressing NCCI edit. Check documentation to determine whether both code pair(s) can be billed or an additional site modifier added)

29820 (NCCI Edit.. Code 2 of a code pair with 29828 29823 that would be allowed if an approp. NCCI modifier were present.)

DX: Acute massive RTC tear, bicep tenosynovitis, labral fraying with impingement, synovitis of the glenohumeral joint

Surgery: Arthroscopy left shoulder w/extensive debridement of the labrum, partial synovectomy, subacromial decompression with acromioplasty with bicep tenodesis and open acute roatator cuff repair

introduced the trocar into the glenohumeral joint atraumatically and began a diagnostic arthroscopy, which demonstrated a
massive rotator cuff tear, biceps tenosynovitis with a torn labrum at the biceps insertion synovitis through the shoulder.
I performed a biceps tenotomy, which was later repaired. I debrided the stump of the biceps, utilized a shaver to circumferentially debride the labrum, and then utilized a Werewolf RF to perform a partial synovectomy of the glenohumeral joint. Once completed, I then placed the scope into the subacromial space. I started a standard anterior lateral portal and with the use of a Werewolf and shaver,
performed a subacromial decompression and bursectomy. I then identified a large spur on the acromion and performed an acromioplasty with a burr, co-planing it with the AC joint. Once completed, I then made the decision to open the rotator cuff. I then extended my
anterior lateral portal superiorly and slightly inferiorly, dissected down through the subcutaneous tissue with scissor dissection and elevated medial and lateral flaps over the deltoid fascia and then split the deltoid and the raphe between the anterior and lateral delts. I then placed a Link retractor. I identified the bicipital groove by externally rotating. I incised the transverse ligament and the pulled the biceps through the incision. I then placed a 1.8 mm Q-Fix anchor at the top of the bicipital groove. I rasped the entire groove and then whipstitched the biceps tendon with the suture from the Q-Fix. I reduced it within the bicipital groove and then tied knots over the top. I then utilized
the remaining suture to repair the transverse ligament. I then identified the massive rotator cuff tear. I debrided the insertion with a rasp and rongeur and got down to a bed of good bleeding bone and then placed three 5.5 Healicoil suture anchors along the articular margin. Each one had good bite. I then sequentially passed all twelve sutures through the rotator cuff in standard fashion. I then reduced the cuff down to the insertion and tied medial row knots. I then placed one suture from each one of the knots in an anterior lateral 5.5 mm MultiFIX-S Ultra suture anchor for my lateral row, reduced the cuff back down to the insertion very well and then repeated those same steps with the
more posterior lateral 5.5 MultiFIX-S Ultra. Overall, I was extremely happy with the reduction of the rotator cuff and the overall repair. I then thoroughly irrigated out the wound. I documented the repair with a picture and then closed the deltoid fascia with running #0 Vicryl. The subcutaneous layer was then closed with a #2-0 Vicryl and the anterior and lateral portals were closed with #3-0 nylon. I then dressed the lateral wound with Dermabond, Steri-Strips, Xeroform, 4x4s, ABDs, and Medipore tape. The patient was placed in an UltraSling, an Iceman was applied, and he was taken to PACU in stable condition.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Shoulder bursectomy


I’m trying to find the appropriate CPT code for Shoulder complete bursectomy and so far I have been using CPT code 29826; however, I’m not sure if this code is appropriate. Per CPT description – 29826 is used for Decompression of subacromial space with partial acromioplasty. I will greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you!

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Left Shoulder Resection Arthroplasty with Placement Antibiotic Spacer

Post op DX: Septic Arthritis LT Shoulder with chronic anterior shoulder dislocation & glenoid fracture malunion
Pt. has history of septic arthritis LT shoulder that was addressed with irrigation & debridement in July by another surgeon. They have a previous history of fractures about the shoulder including the acromion, glenoid & coracoid. These have resulted in fracture malunion with chronic anterior shoulder dislocation & now recurrent suspicious infection. Op Note: Incision made anteriorly over the shoulder through a standard deltopectoral approach. I was unable to use the previous transverse space surgical scar. The deltopectoral interval was identified & also the cephalic vein & this was preserved throughout the entirety of the procedure retracting it laterally with the deltoid. There was significant scar tissue from her previous surgery & secondary chronic infection. I released the proximal 1 cm of pectoralis major insertion as well as the leading edge of the coracoacromial ligament to facilitate exposure. I identified the biceps tendon & its sheath & began to resect & reflect the subscapularis & underlying capsule just medial to this. I opened it through the rotator interval, exposing the humeral head. Red tinged & slightly turbid synovial fluid was identified. I sent specimens for analysis. The shoulder joint was identified & revealed extensive erosive changes about the humeral head with reciprocal changes about the glenoid consistent with advanced septic osteoarthritis. The rotator cuff was noted to be completely torn & retracted. The humeral head was noted to be chronically anterior dislocated. I released the inferior capsule to facilitate further extraction of the humeral head with combination of adduction, flexion & external rotation & the head was completely dislocated. I then identified a starting point for entry of reamer. I progressively reamed up to 12 mm. I then used the extramedullary alignment guide to fashion a resection of the humeral head in 30 degrees of retroversion using the humeral epicondylar axis & the forearm as a guide. I resected approximately 25 mm of the native humeral head. I removed extensive foul appearing tissue from the metaphysis. I prepared the humerus with broaches up to size 12 & 30 degrees of retroversion. I then assessed the glenoid. There was chronic malunion of the glenoid with significant loss of the anterior substance of the glenoid which would make it unreasonable to try to resurface in the future. I did try to ram down the glenoid using the glenoid reamers & a guide pin & what I thought was the central aspect of the scapula. I did remove foul appearing tissue that surrounded the growth glenoid in particular over the anterior aspect which is felt to be residual hypertrophic scar tissue from the fracture. I thoroughly irrigated the glenoid & humerus with antibiotic irrigation. I prepared the size 12 Prostalac implant. Once the prostalac stem was prepared & hardened it was removed from its casing. The stem was place in appropriate retroversion in the humeral canal. The wound was irrigated & closed. I repaired the capsule & subscapularis to the humeral shaft & repaired the deltopectoral interval. Need help with how to code-Unlisted or 23470 or 23472 & 11981?

Medical Billing and Coding Forum