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2018 CPC Practice Exam Answer Key 150 Questions With Full Rationale (HCPCS, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, CPT Codes) Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions with Full Rationale Answers

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Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions and answers with full rationale

Laparoscopic Rotator Cuff Repair with Xenograft

Hello everyone, please let me know what you think…Does the xenograft bundle into the rotator cuff?
Here are some excerpts from the operative documentation:

Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (29827).
Biceps tenodesis (29828).
Use of Xenograft porcine patch for rotator cuff approximation. (29999 ?) (HCPCS ?)

*Biceps Tenodesis
— biceps tendon was released
— biceps tendon was instilled in it and screw over it instilling 2 arms of the biceps into the tunnel with screw placement
— closed this area
*Rotator Cuff Repair
— identified the margins of the tear
— released as much of the tendon off the glenoid labrum and neck of the glenoid as possible
— released and free the anterior edge down to the coracoid
— a large crescentic tear
— placing 2 free stitches
— placed two 2.8 mm anchors
— repaired the native limbs of the rotator cuff
*Xenograft Placement
— created a triangular space
— parachuted the graft in… sewing it to the medial cuff tissue

Thank you in advance!

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with TVT sling

Hi Thank you in advance for your reviews:
Physician is performing Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
After performing Laparoscopic Hysterectomy all instruments were removed, and gas expressed, he then developed the periurethral tunnels, and right at mid urethra. She had a previously placed tranobturator sling which was not angled enough, so he decided to do a retropubic sling, he made 2 stab incisions right/left of pubic symphysis and with little finger placed the trocar through each of these incisions and it came out the periurethral tunnel, then he grabbed the sling and pulled it through. He removed the plastic tab and closed the vagina.

My question is do you consider the a 51992 Laparoscopic or 57288 open?

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Laparoscopic nephrectomy

I’m going back and forth between 50545 and 50546 on this one. Because they discontinued the lymph node dissection I want 50545-52. Another coder is saying it should be 50546.

Any thought from the urology coders out there???

Abdomen prepped appears fashion. Incision was made off of the umbilicus toward the right paramedian side. Veress needle used to enter the peritoneal cavity. Saline drop test performed. Remaining ports directly visualized in. Four views. Also 2 assistant ports.
The colon was reflected along the line of Toldt. The liver attachments the paddle renal ligaments were released. The liver was retracted superiorly using a locking grasper. To the sidewall.
Given the position in the duodenum fell off of the cava did not need to be dissected. The high ureter was identified carried up proximally. The gonadal vein was kept medial. I incised the overlying tissue over the vena cava. Yet obvious lymphadenopathy at the hilum. Intimately associated with the large hilar vessels with renal vein as well as the renal artery. I was able to dissect free 2 renal veins and 1 renal artery. I initially controlled them with silk ties given the backstop of the lymph node mass in the hilum abd underneath the vena cava. I tied the artery 1st and then the 2 veins. This allowed me further freedom to dissect along these vessels in order to then gain access for a stapler. All 3 were individually stapled.
I then had better visualization of the lymph node involvement. It was extensive at the hilum. There is also a separate lymph node inferiorly close to the large dominant 1. The length of the lymph node in the axial plane was about 5- 6 cm. The lymph node mass was exceedingly vascular. I was dissecting on the vena cava just to try to gain some access between the cava and the lymph node packet inferior margin bleeding was encountered. I put a rolled raytec on this area with the 4th arm. I left the pressure on this with the 4th arm locked in place and there was good hemostasis I then went ahead and completed the nephrectomy.
I review the MRI. The adrenal gland was well out of the way of the mass. I spared the adrenal gland. I used the vessel sealer shears as well as combination of scissors and bipolar in order to release the kidney superiorly inferiorly and laterally. I then used Weck clips to control the ureter. Specimen was now freed.
I then turned my intention to that area of the bleeding. I lifted up the Ray-Tec still had some bleeding there but not too bad a used for Prolene figure-of-eight onto the vena cava where a small perforating vessel was in countered in had some bleeding therefore tied it and there was excellent hemostasis.
I then began dissecting out the lymph node mass. It became readily apparent that this mass was hypervascular. Surprisingly even the small little intervening tissue that I engaged with bipolar would bleed despite good bipolar. This obscured visualization significantly. It was very disconcerting not being able to release the mass from the vena cava in order to identify the perforating vessels. I was able to identify a few and controlled them with Weck clips or silk ties. But every time I went to release further I would get bleeding that was surprising bleeding and speaks to the hypervascular nature of the mass. Also the mass had right off of the renal vein a large vessel (close to the size of the renal vein) diving down into the mass. Renal artery also had several apparent feeders into this mass coming off of hard to get to angles. Dissecting around these areas would also stir some bleeding- with the mass encasing the vessels not allowing dissection in order to place clips.
After working for upwards close to 2.5 hr very little progress was made. Unfortunately I I felt it was in the best interest of the patient to cease lymph node dissection has this has been deemed unresectable.
This point we placed some Gel-Foam over the area of the lymph node tumor in the hilum. We then directly visualized the ports after undocking the robot. We then opened up assistant port in the midline brought the specimen out. Close the fascia using running Vicryl suture 1. Switched on both sides. Wounds were copiously irrigated. Skin was closed with Monocryl.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Laparoscopic Closure of Peritoneum Post Hernia Surgery

Please help resolve a dispute. One coder believe that this should be billed 44620 another 49329. Any input would be appreciated.


1. Diagnostic laparoscopy.
2. Reduction of internal hernia.
3. Closure of peritoneum.

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Small bowel obstruction.
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Small bowel obstruction.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: We used the same infraumbilical 5 mm incision and
reopened the incision. Due to his recent surgery, we used the same opening to
enter a 5 mm port with a blunt tip. Once the port was entered, insufflation was
obtained. Two additional ports were placed initially 5 mm on the left and right
side of the umbilical port. On initial evaluation, the patient had a loop of
small bowel going into the peritoneum, which appeared to be herniated through
the peritoneal defect, even though it appeared that the peritoneum had split
open. Using 2 blunt graspers, we were able to reduce the small bowel out of
this defect and evaluate the small bowel which appeared viable and pink. The
small defect which measured roughly 1 cm was closed with intracorporeal suture
using 3-0 Vicryl suture, using a figure-of-eight suture. In order to do that,
we did have to insert a 12 mm port on the left side. Next, we evaluated for any
other defect and we did not find any other issues, so at this time desufflation
was achieved and the fascia of the 12 mm was closed with interrupted
figure-of-eight Vicryl suture. The skin of all the incision was closed with 4-0
suture. Local was injected. Sterile dressings and Dermabond were placed over
the skin incisions. All sponge, needle and instrument counts were correct at
the end of the procedure.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Multiple hernias repaired both laparoscopic and open

Can anyone help me out with this? The patient had multiple ventral and incisional hernias, which some were repaired laparoscopically and one was repaired open, with separate incisions. Thanks in advance!

Multiple ventral and incisional hernias.
Multiple ventral and incisional hernias.
1. Laparoscopic repair of multiple ventral and incisional hernias utilizing 33 cm portion of echo mesh, with laparoscopic lysis of intraabdominal adhesions, difficult case modifier due to the extent of the adhesions in size of the multiple hernias requiring approximately an additional 45 minutes of additional dissection.
2. Exploratory laparotomy, lysis of intraabdominal adhesions, and primary repair of lower abdominal midline hernia.
The patient was brought to the operating room, placed recumbent. The area of the abdomen was prepped and sterilely draped. Surgical time-out was performed. Local anesthesia was infused and we began with a Veress needle in the left upper quadrant insufflating the abdomen quite easily after performance of a saline drop test. A 10 mm port was placed using a 0 degree scope under direct visualization and using the Visiport to enter the abdomen, it was no identifiable adhesions were present in the left upper quadrant. However, there were numerous adhesions and hernias present throughout the abdominal wall as described below. Under direct visualization, a second port was placed in the left lower quadrant and we performed lysis of visible omental adhesions in the left abdomen allowing visualization of the right side of the abdomen then, under direct visualization, a second 10 and a second 5 mm were placed on the right side. We continued with our dissection reducing and clearing from around the adhesions in the umbilical region where there were multiple small hernias and at the old stoma site where there was a single identifiable hernia. Once this has been done, we switched to the right side of the abdomen and performed same procedure with primary concern directed at the lower most hernia, which was wide-mouth and contained small bowel which was markedly adherent to the hernia sac. Given this fact, I did not feel it was prudent to try to dissected this free and we released the pneumoperitoneum, and made a small midline incision measuring about 8-10 cm over the lower midline hernia sac. Once this has been done, the hernia sac was opened and using Metzenbaum scissor dissection, the small bowel was extricated from the hernia sac reducing it into the abdominal cavity. Much of the hernia sac was excised and by grasping with the residual fascia with Kocher’s, we were able to perform intraabdominal adhesiolysis circumferentially around the defect. We extended this downward into the pelvis to allow visualization when we re-insufflated the abdomen and also to visualize the bladder. Of note is that a Foley catheter had been positioned in the beginning of the case.
We now closed the midline defect utilizing the residual hernia sac and markedly attenuated fascia using a running looped PDS suture. Subcutaneous tissues were approximated with a running Vicryl and the skin was approximated with surgical staples. We now re-insufflated the abdomen.
Visualization was now excellent with all adhesions having been cleared away from either side of the abdomen and in the midline. Measurement between the defects superiorly and inferiorly was approximately 25 cm requiring a 33 cm portion of mesh. The mesh was soaked in saline, rolled, and inserted in the abdomen directly through a slightly enlarged trocar incision in the right upper quadrant. This mesh would have been impossible to insert into the abdomen through the trocar. Directly between the defects, the Carter-Thomason device was used to grasp the insufflating catheter, which was pulled up to the anterior abdominal wall and the balloon on the mesh was insufflated. The mesh was oriented at the 12 o’clock position requiring takedown of a portion of the falciform ligament. We then tacked the mesh circumferentially from the left and right side of the abdomen using the OptiFix tacking device, but did not tack it at its lower end. At this point, the patient was placed in the Trendelenburg position and the bladder was distended with about 700 mL of saline to identify the dome and we tacked the mesh well above this with the bladder still distended. Now, the pneumoperitoneum was partially released in the central portion of the mesh was tacked in place to be sure it remained adherent to the anterior abdominal wall. We continued to watch the mesh as the pneumoperitoneum was completely released. The abdomen had been examined for hemostasis. The visible small and large bowel have been examined and there was no evidence of injury. The trocars were withdrawn and the final pneumoperitoneum was released. The wounds were closed with running subcuticular sutures of Monocryl and Dermabond. Additional Marcaine was injected as indicated. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Counts were correct at completion of surgery.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy: 00840 or 00944?

If a patient has a laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, which anes CPT would you use? One opinion is that if the work is done abdominally, it should be 00840. Another oppinion would be even if work done abdominally, if spec is removed vaginally, then 00944 is billed.

Medical Billing and Coding

Laparoscopic ‘component separation’ for ventral hernia repair

One of our General Surgeons did a Laparoscopic Incisional Hernia with a bilateral fasciocutaneous flap repair, also done laparoscopically. The open code for the fasciocutaneous flap is 15734, but no laparoscopic code exists for this procedure. We assigned the Unlisted Laparoscopy procedure, abdomen, peritoneum and omentum to that portion of the procedure. She responded with this statement: "The 15734 code is neither an open nor laparoscopic code. It is not in the digestive system codes so it is non-discriminatory. I am told it can be used with lap hernia codes and we have successfully done it on [other case]."

She did not state where she was told this, but it has always been my understanding that if a procedure is not specifically labeled as laparoscopic, thoracoscopic, endoscopic or arthroscopic, then it is considered an Open procedure. Unfortunately, it seems that this understanding is so wide-spread that I haven’t been able to find anything in writing to use in explaining this to her. Even the layman’s terms descriptions don’t actually say anything about making an incision down to the tissues being used to form the flaps.

Does anyone know of any resources I can use to explain this to her?

[email protected]

Medical Billing and Coding