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2018 CPC Practice Exam Answer Key 150 Questions With Full Rationale (HCPCS, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, CPT Codes) Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions with Full Rationale Answers

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Medical Helminthology and its significance to Human Health

According to the way of development, parasites are classified into biochelminthes and geohelminthes. Geohelminthes develop without intermediate hosts. Soil is the best environment for their egg’s development. Humans are infected through dirty fruits and vegetables which contain geohelminthe’s eggs (for example, Ascaris lumbricoideus). Biohelminthes have complete life cycle with intermediate hosts. There are tropical connections between definitive and intermediate hosts (for example, Taenia solium).


General characteristics of Flatworms (Phylum Plathelminthes)


The flatworms (phylum platyhelminthes) consists of some 12,200 species. These ribbon-shaped, soft-bodied animals are also called because they are flattened dorsoventrally, from top to bottom. Flatworms are among the simplest of bilaterally symmetrical animals, but they have a definite head at the anterior end. Their bodies are solid: the only internal space consists of the digestive cavity. Flatworms are acoelomates. The acoelomates are some bilaterally symmetrical animals that have no body cavity at all other than the digestive system.


Phylum Plathelminthes includes two classes:
1. Class Trematoda
2. Class Cestoda


General characteristics of class Trematoda (Flukes):

1. Flattened dorsoventrally (leaf-like).
2. Unsegmented
3. Body is covered by cuticle
4. Organs of fixation: Oral sucker, ventral sucker
5. Organs and systems of flatworms: digestive system, excretory system, nervous system, genital system: Trematodes are hermaphrodites except genus schistosoma.
6. The Life cycle is passed in two hosts (alternation of hosts) and has sexual and asexual stages.


Blood Flukes


Genus Schistosoma (S.haematobium, S.mansoni, S.japonicum), which affect population of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Three species of the Schistosoma cause the disease called schistosomiasis.



Venous vessels of bowel, liver, bladder. Schistosoma mansoni causes Hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis, Schistosoma japonicum causes Hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis and Schistosoma haematobium causes Urinary Schistosomiasis. Infection is transmitted through the skin of larvae (cercariae) from snail hosts. Its infective stage is Cercariae, definitive host is man, intermediate host is the snail and mode of transmission is by penetration of skin.


CLinical manifestations

In Hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis, Eosinophilia, granulomatous polyps in colon, fever, anorexia, weight loss, anemia, portal hypertension; dysentry and cirrhosis of liver; prurit skin rash. Eggs go back through portal circulation to liver, causing hepatomegaly, liver tenderness. The clinical manifestations of Urinary schistosomiasis: eosinophilia, hematuria, terminal dysuria (pain, difficulty at the end of urination); Obstructed urine flow.


The laboratory diagnosis of Hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis is the determination of eggs with lateral spine in feces. And for Urinary Schistosomiasis is eggs with terminal spine in urine.


Treatment is by administering Praziquantel. But if the Brain is involved or the illness becomes severe, corticosteroids may be given.


Prevention involves proper disposal of human waste and eradication of the snail host when possible. Swimming in endemic areas should be avoided.


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Medical Significance Of Milk To Human Health

What makes Milk worth taking about? And how is it medically important to the Human health? Well! For the start, it is definitely a food material of special importance. It is almost complete, an ideal food and contains most of the proximate principles of a well balanced diet required for human body. It is thus the nearest approach to perfect food. It forms the only diet for children to the age of a year or so. It is the best source of Calcium in diet both on account of quality and the valuable biological value to the body. Milk contains the following proximate principles:1. Carbohydrates. The carbohydrate in all Milks is lactose or Milk sugar (4-5%). Human Milk contains more Lactose than cow’s Milk.2. Fats. Fats contain 3.5% to 4% of fats in emulsified form. Milk fat is a good source of Vitamins A and D when Milk is allowed to stand for sometime, fat rises to the surface as cream, Chemically, milk fat consists of some vital fatty acids.3. Vitamins. It also contains all the vitamins except Vitamin E. In summer, cows feed on grass, produce Milk containing large amounts of vitamins B, C and D. But in winter, amount of Vitamins A and D in Milk is much reduced.4. Mineral salts. Phosphates and chlorides of Calcium, potassium and sodium are all constituents of Milk. It is very poor in Iron.The average composition of Milk from various sources is as follows;Cow Milk contains 3.2% of proteins; 4.4% of Lactose, 4.1% of Fats; and 87.5% of water.
Goat Milk contains 3.5% of Protein, 4.6% of Lactose, 4.5% of Fats and 86.5% of water.
Human milk contains 1.1% of protein; 7.4% of Lactose; 3.4% of Fats and 88.0% of water.Milk borne diseasesThe Important Milk borne diseases are; Directly from the milked animal; Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, streptococcus infection, Malta fever and Anthrax.
Indirectly from the Human handler or environment; Typhoid and para-typhoid fevers, cholera, Dysentery, Diphtheria and Viral Hepatitis.Therefore, Milk must be well pasteurized in order to consider it fit for consumption. Everything discussed about Milk here is based on pasteurized Milk and if you are not too sure about the Milk you are taking, please to do not take it.CreamIt is prepared by allowing the Milk to stand for a considerable time in the cold so that butter fat may rise to the top and then removing the top layer. The fat or cream may be separates from Milk mechanically through a centrifuge machine known as cream may contain about 50% fat. Besides Milk fat, cream contains proteins and lactose also.ButterIt is the most nutritious and easily digestible form of all fats. Good butter should neither be varied nor have an unpleasant odor. Its average composition should be; water (12-15%), fat (80-90%), caseinogens (1-3%), Lactose (1%), ash (2-3%), salt and vitamins (very little variable amount).CheeseIt is very concentrated protein food and methods of making it vary at different places. It is prepared by coagulating caseinogens of whole milk or skimmed milk with rennet. Cheeses differ by high content of protein (20-25%), fat (25-30%) and what is also important is calcium and phosphorus.The fat content of different diary products varies a lot and much of this is saturated fat, which can raise cholesterol and is linked to heart diseases. Most cheeses contain between 20 to 40g fat per 100g. If you’re trying to make the healthier choice, you don’t need to avoid cheese, but it’s a good idea to keep a check on how much you eat and how often. If you are using cheese to flavor a dish or a sauce, you could try using a very strong, tasting cheese.Another option is to choose reduced fat hard cheeses, which usually contain fat (3g fat per 100g or less) including reduced fat cottage cheese and quark. If you are trying to cut down on fat, it is a good idea to go for semi- skimmed or skimmed milk and low fat yogurt. These products contain at least the same amount of protein, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc as full fat versions. They just contain less fat. Cream and butter are high in fat, so try to use them sparingly. You can use plain yogurt instead of cream or even sourced creams in recipes. Low fat spreads can be used instead of butter.It is also worth remembering that some dairy products can be high in salt, and too much salt can cause high blood pressure (hypertension), which is also linked to heart disease. Adults should be eating no more than 6g of salt a day. Some flavored and malted milk products and shakes tend to contain added sugar which can be bad for our teeth. You can check the amount of fat, salt and sugar by looking at the nutrition information on the label. If you compare similar products, you will be able to choose the ones with lower amounts.Diet and curative propertyMilk does not excite gastric secretion enough. It is connected with small content of Nitrogen containing extractive substances. That is why milk is widely used in curative and diet nourishment and almost in all diets. Diuretic effect of Milk is correlation between Potassium and Sodium which is 3:1. Lactic acid stimulates secretory action of stomach, supporting normal and symbiotic microorganisms of intestinal tract and depresses putrefactive microbes. Thanks to that available antibiotic substance and small number of alcohol which appear after fermentation of sour milk products (yogurt and acid-loving yeast) stimulate appetite, regulate motility of intestine (one-day products accelerated and three day products depress) have expressed bactericidal property, slow down fermentation and putrefactive process in intestinal tract.Yogurt is used in treatment of patients with tuberculosis, because it is made on basis of mare’s albuminous milk whose proteins has much better assimilation, also make better appetite, content specific antibiotic substance to Tuberculosis bacteria, normalize work of intestinal tract and make diuretic influence. Lipid digesting and anti-sclerotic property of milk is caused by available lecithin. Prophylaxis and treatment of Osteoporosis is made by milk calcium with vitamin D. Antibiotic influence of milk and milk products on the Liver is possible due to available protein of full value, sulfur containing amino acid and choline. That property is used in treatment and prophylactic nourishment.Influence of Milk products on the Organism1. Sour Milk Stimulates appetite. It stimulates the secretory and mechanical functions of the intestine. Lactic acid improves the development of useful microbes in the intestine. It is a rational nutrition of all population groups but should not be taken when suffering from cases as; Ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum with increased acidity.2. Kefir Milk stimulates appetite. It influences the secretory and mechanical function of the intestine. It improves the development of symbiotic microbes in the intestine. It is a rational nutrition of all population groups and should not be used in same cases as in sour milk.3. Greasy Kefir Milk has same qualities as the first two aforementioned milk types only that it can also be recommended for patients with Diabetes.4. Non greasy Kefir Milk has same qualities as well, but can be recommended for patients with Obesity, diseases of cardiovascular system and Liver problems.5. Light Kefir (1 day) has same qualities as the previous, but in addition, it can serve as a laxative and hence indicated for constipation and spastic colitis.6. Middle Kefir (2 days) has exact qualities as the first two milk types.7. Strong Kefir (3 days) has same qualities as the first two milk types but in addition, it is used as an anti putrid and strengthening agent. It can be recommended for cases of Gastritis with decreased acidity, chronic Colitis and diarrhea.8. Koumiss is milk with albumins and it is well digested in the organisms. It stimulates appetite, stimulates gastric secretion, activates peristalsis of intestine, decreases putrid processes in intestine, and eliminates mycobacterium tuberculosis, decreased acidity of gastric Juice, intoxication, exhaustion and anemia.9. Light Koumiss is the same as koumiss only that it is a laxative and hence recommended or indicated for constipation.10. Acid loving products are as follows; acid-loving milk and acid-loving yeast milk. They stimulate appetite; influence the secretory and mechanical function of stomach and intestine. They have considerable bactericidal properties, slow putrid processes in intestine. They are recommended for inflammation of the Large Intestine, dysentery, tuberculosis, constipation, exhaustion and ray disease. But should not be taken in diseases such as Ulcer disease with increased secretion, gastritis and Inflammation of the Pancreas.11. Yogurt stimulates appetite, influences the secretory and mechanical function of the intestine. It has middle bacterial-killing properties and slow putrid processes in the intestine. A rational nutrition of all population groups, children’s nutrition, prophylaxis of bacterial diseases caused by imbalance of the normal or symbiotic microbes in our bodies and it is contraindicated in Ulcer disease with increased secretion, gastritis and Inflammation of the Pancreas.12. Sour Cheese (greasy middle and non greasy) partially fills the organism needs in proteins, essential amino acids, well digested calcium, growth and lipid digesting substances. Especially important for women, children and Old people. It has considerable lipid digesting properties due to the presence of choline and lecithin. It is highly recommended for children, acute and chronic hepatitis, inflammation of the gall bladder, Ischemic heart disease, obesity, diabetes, exhaustion, osteoporosis and fractures. It is contra indicated in a case of high phosphate level in blood.As earlier stated, to have an idea of how nutritious and fully packaged Milk is, just consider Breast Milk in which the newborn feeds on till some period of time. If it were not complete, or lacks some vital nutrients, the Child will definitely grow up with some deficiencies. Milk is so nutritive to be ignored and medically important to be ignorant of. So therefore, you do not have to be a medical practitioner to know this.

Why is Milk so important to be discussed? It is easy to take and hence individuals of all ages are not restricted to it. Not only that, it has almost all the nutrients required, and so therefore you will not be doing that bad if you feed constantly on milk. Even in the days of Old, phrases use Milk as a symbol of enrichment and abundance.

Medical significance of Acute Tonsilitis

Inflammation of the tonsils is more common during childhood, but all groups can be affected. Hemolytic streptococcus- Lancerfield group A is the most common organism, but other pathogens causing pharyngitis may affect the tonsils as well. Tonsilitis is more common in poorer socio-economic groups, where chances for cross infection are high.


Clinical features

Symptoms start with sore throat, pain over the region of the tonsils, high fever, and dysphagia. Examination of the throat with a tongue depressor reveals enlarged, red tonsils covered with yellowish pus in the crypts on one or both sides. The exudates can be easily removed by a swab and the underlying mucosa does not bleed. Tonsillar and adjoining lymph nodes are moderately enlarged and tender. There is moderate neutrophil leukocytosis. Even if untreated, the acute symptoms and the tonsilar inflammation partially subside in 7-10 days, but in many the streptococci persist within the crypts and give rise to recurrence of symptoms over several years. This is referred to as “chronic tonsillitis”



Acute tonsillitis may lead to several complications.


1. Extension of infection due to contiguity Pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, Eustachian catarrh and suppurative otitis media.
2. Systemic spread of infection Septicemia, pyemia.
3. Local complications Chronic tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess.
4. Immunological complications Rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis and rarely allergic purpura.


In India and other neighboring countries, acute streptococcal tonsillitis is the most common cause of rheumatic fever.




Acute tonsillitis should be clinically diagnosed from the characteristic appearance of the tonsils, acute febrile onset, and neutrophil leukocytosis, The organism can be isolated by culture of the pus taken before exhibiting antibiotics. Acute tonsillitis has to be differentiated from faucial diphtheria in children who have not been immunized. Diphtheritic membrane is grayish white and adherent. It tends to extend beyond the tonsils. Lymphadenopathy is considerably more marked, but the fever is milder. In all cases Gram-stain of the smear and culture should be done. In neutropenic conditions necrotic ulceration of the throat may develop and this has to be kept in mind in all severe cases.



The patient is put to rest. Aspirin relieves the pain and fever. Drug of choice is penicillin. Crystalline penicillin G sodium is given in an intramuscular does of 0.5 mega units 8 hours. Once this acute symptoms subside, procaine penicillin may be substituted in a dose of 0.5 meg units daily intramuscularly. In children, if injections are to be avoided, erythromycin, ampicillin or cotrimoxazole may be given in appropriate doses. It is important to administer the full course of treatment and repeat to ensure that the organisms are eradicated. The recurrent exacerbations of tonsillitis (more than four times in one year), occurring as a complication of chronic tonsillitis may warrant tonsillectomy if medical treatment is ineffective. Tonsillectomy has also to be considered if chronic tonsillitis is complicate by otitis media.


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The Significance of Medical Translation Services

Professional medical translation services are as crucially essential as a qualified medical aid itself. Medical terminology is quite complicated and any medical error due to contradictory language can lead to life-threatening situations.

The translators working with medical documentation should not only be proficient in the requisite language but also have a good theoretical base and experience in medicine. High quality medical interpretation can become a key step in increasing your sales efficiency. To translate the current medical terminology accurately, it is not just enough to be a competent linguist. However, the language expert should have accreditations, degrees or certificate in any particular medical arenas like pharmacology, biotechnology, toxicology, pathology, cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, dermatology, dentistry and many more.

It is the most current international legal requirement to have certified interpreting services in the medical facilities to translate information from the staff to the patient effectively. In addition, a reverse interpretation is done to convey the symptoms, questions or concerns of the patient to the doctor. This makes the patient feel more secure and comfortable about the treatment. A basic understanding of human emotions and needs also play an important role in providing the best medical interpreting service. The use of medical translators is vital for the translation of medical documents, therapeutic processes, medicine labels and other related data. Accuracy is the essential aspect of medical translating services. A precise translation of the FDA documentation is necessary if your company wants to sell medical products in the United States. The skilled translators can efficiently translate your scientific papers, patient surveys, clinical trial data and records to connect you with the rest of the world.

While selecting the medical translating service, you must analyze their potential of understanding your needs. The quality and level of their skills can be evaluated from their detailed portfolios. Some renowned companies even offer validation of the translated document and issue certificate for the same. You may also sometimes get heavy discounts per word for large volume contracts. Reliable translator as well as interpreter services can ensure the success of your business and endorse further progress of your company.


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