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2018 CPC Practice Exam Answer Key 150 Questions With Full Rationale (HCPCS, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, CPT Codes) Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions with Full Rationale Answers

Practice Exam

Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions and answers with full rationale

Minor surgical procedure and E/M

Looking for coding opinions:
I have advised a doctor that when a patient presents for a wart removal, it is not appropriate to code/bill 99212-25 with 17110. There is not a significant, separately identifiable service to support using the 25 modifier.
Then he asks me this:
"What if I evaluate but then schedule the minor procedure for a different day? Then is the E/M service separately billable?"

I am thinking this would not be appropriate as a way to get reimbursed for the E/M which is included in the minor surgical procedure.

I would greatly appreciate others’ coding opinions.
Thanks in advance!
Rebecca Johnson, CPC

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Surgical documentation question

I have a situation where two physicians performed a complex surgery. One was the primary surgeon, the other is the assistant surgeon. My problem is the only operative report was done by the assistant surgeon. He does list himself as the assistant surgeon in the dictation. There is no addendum by the primary surgeon, or his signature anywhere on the documentation. I’m fairly sure this doesn’t meet documentation requirements, but I can’t find anything written to back that up. The primary physician told me " the assistant did the dictation for both of us". Any guidance would be appreciated.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Is the fight over? AORN to change recommendations in surgical headwear debate

One of the fiercest fights in surgery is about ears. Do you cover them while conducting surgery? This simple question has fueled a bitter fight ever since The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) officially recommended that bouffant hats be worn in the OR by all surgical team members. Since then, there’s been a back-and-forth of testy statements and unsatisfying studies. – Briefings on Accreditation and Quality

Stress Urinary Incontinence – Surgical Intervention Coding for Urinary Sling

Stress Urinary Incontinence – Surgical Intervention Coding for Urinary Sling
March 2018 
Urinary incontinence is the unintentional loss of urine.  Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is what occurs when there is stress or movement/ activity put upon your bladder.  This activity can be something as minor as laughing, coughing, sneezing, running or lifting.   SUI is not a condition related to “stress” in a psychological way, such as a person who is suffering from a mental anxiety or issue,  SUI is purely related to a movement/activity that is related to a physical stress upon the body. .
There are four main types of urinary incontinence
·         Urge incontinence 
·         Stress incontinence (SUI)
·         Overflow incontinence 
·         Functional incontinence 
Stress urinary incontinence is defined as the unintentional loss of urine caused by the bladder muscle contracting, involuntarily with physical movement.  Some patients also experience a sense of urgency.  SUI is much more common in women than men, however, the most common cause of SUI is a pelvic floor disorder, damage to,  or weakening of the soft tissue that normally supports the urinary organs.
SUI is a direct result of the urinary sphincter muscle that controls the urethra becomes weakened, in addition to the weakening of the soft tissues.  When both the muscle and the soft tissue supports become weak, this allows the release of urine to happen during a “stressful, physical event” such as laughing, coughing, sneezing, etc.
Coding interventions
SUI surgery is not exclusive just to the Urology specialty, many gynecologists also perform surgical intervention for SUI in women.  CPT has given us many code choices for surgical intervention of SUI.  Currently the most commonly used for treatment in both men and women are the surgical procedures for a urinary “sling”. 
When a sling procedure is performed, the surgeon uses the patient’s own tissue (or other type of supply)  to essentially “sling up” or “pex up” the uretha by inserting a strip of additional material/tissue to create an additional support system for the urethra.  This support is sewn into the pelvic area to help keep the urethra in the proper physical location. 
Slings can be used for both men and women with SUI. 
Urinary Sling procedures can be performed as an open procedure or as a laparoscopic procedure.  The two most common types of bladder slings are the TOT sling (transobturator tape sling) and the TVT sling (tension-free vaginal tape sling).  The TOT sling and the TVT sling are normally performed as a quick 30 minute, outpatient procedures with a high success rate of nearly 90%. The incisions are small (less than one centimeter) and recovery times are quick.  However, these procedures can be done in coordination with other surgical procedures.
The CPT codes below are those that are specifically related to SUI. 
·         57288 Sling operation for stress incontinence (eg, fascia or synthetic) –  Open Approach
·         57287 Removal or revision of sling for stress incontinence (eg, fascia or synthetic) – Open or laparoscopic Approach

·         53440 Sling Operation for correction of male urinary incontinence (eg, fascia or synthetic) – Open Approach
·         53442 Removal or revision of sling for male urinary incontinence (eg, fascia or synthetic) – Open Approach

·         51990 Laparoscopy, surgical; urethral suspension for stress incontinence
·         51992 Laparoscopy, surgical; sling operation for stress incontinence (eg, fascia or synthetic)

·         10120 Incision and removal of foreign body, subcutaneous tissue – simple
·         10121 Incision and removal of foreign body, subcutaneous tissue – complicated
When coding for these procedures, the coder need to carefully review the operative report to double check if the procedure is being performed laparoscopically or as an open procedure.  The codes for the open approach include the 57287, 57288, 53440 and 53442.  The physician/surgeon may state this is a “mini-laparotomy” however, this still means the surgical approach is “open”.   If the physician documents the procedure was performed with a laparoscope, the codes 51990 and 51992 would be the correct codes to choose.   If the sling is removed laparoscopically, the 57287 is the correct code to use regardless if the procedure was performed as an open procedure or a laparoscopic procedure.
Codes 53440, 53442, 51990, 51992, 57287 and 57288 all have a 90 day global period. Should a sling revision be surgically necessary during the global period, you will need to add modifier -78,  to your code, as this is an unplanned return to the OR for a related procedure.
In addition, revision of an SUI sling procedure code(s)  57287 or 53442 both of these codes  include replacement procedure of a sling (codes 57288 or code 53442) when performed on the same date of service.  These codes are bundled in the CCI bundling edits from CMS, and do not allow a modifier to over-ride the bundling edit. 
The usage of code 10120 and 10121 have become common when physicians have “removed” portions of a mesh erosion that has eroded into the subcutaneous tissues around the abdomen and groin areas.  These integumentary codes are very specific if the mesh is only being removed from the subcutaneous tissue, and not a full excision or revision of the sling itself.  When reporting  CPT code 10120 or 101210 you will need to add either a modifier -58 or modifier -78 if the mesh erosion is treated in the office/procedure room.  The verbiage of codes 10120/10121 strictly denotes in the definition as a removal of foreign body“subcutaneous” tissue. 
Unfortunately, CPT does not give clear guidance as to what constitutes “simple” versus “complicated” when it comes to codes 10120 and 10121.  So if you choose to use CPT Code 10121 (incision and removal of foreign body, subcutaneous tissues; complicated) when an incision is necessary to remove the foreign body you will need to educate the physician to document in the operative note that the removal was “complicated”.   In addition, the physician should also document “why” the removal was complicated, with the usage of additional terms such as; embedded, deep, size, location, abnormality.  It may necessitate having the physician document the amount of time spent in the removal to  support the usage of the “complicated” code 10121, rather than the “simple” code 10120.
Operative Report SPARC suburethal Sling
PROCEDURE:  SPARC suburethral sling
PREOPERATIVE DX: Stress urinary incontinence;  hypermobility of urethra
POSTOPERATIVE DX: Stress urinary incontinence;  hypermobility of urethra.
FINDINGS & INDICATIONS: Outpatient evaluation was consistent with urethral hypermobility, stress urinary incontinence. Intraoperatively, the bladder appeared normal with the exception of some minor trabeculations. The ureteral orifices were normal bilaterally.
DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: This patient was brought to the operating room, a general anesthetic was administered. She was placed in dorsal lithotomy position. Her vulva, vagina, and perineum were prepped with Betadine scrubbed in solution. She was draped in usual sterile fashion. A Sims retractor was placed into the vagina and Foley catheter was inserted into the bladder. Two Allis clamps were placed over the mid urethra. This area was injected with 0.50% lidocaine containing 1:200,000 epinephrine solution. Two areas suprapubically on either side of midline were injected with the same anesthetic solution. The stab wound incisions were made in these locations and a sagittal incision was made over the mid urethra. Metzenbaum scissors were used to dissect bilaterally to the level of the ischial pubic ramus. The SPARC needles were then placed through the suprapubic incisions and then directed through the vaginal incision bilaterally. The Foley catheter was removed. A cystoscopy was performed using a 70-degree cystoscope. There was noted to be no violation of the bladder. The SPARC mesh was then snapped onto the needles, which were withdrawn through the stab wound incisions. The mesh was snugged up against a Mayo scissor held under the mid urethra. The overlying plastic sheaths were removed. The mesh was cut below the surface of the skin. The skin was closed with 4-0 Plain suture. The vaginal vault was closed with a running 2-0 Vicryl stitch. The blood loss was minimal. The patient was awoken and she was brought to recovery in stable condition.
Cpt Code: 
 57288 Sling operation for stress incontinence (eg, fascia or synthetic) –  Open Approach
ICD-10CM :
                N39.3 Stress incontinence (female) (male)
                N36.41 Hypermobility of urethra
Operative Report Male Sling
General anesthesia administered and patient positioned in the dorsal lithotomy position. A 16F Foley catheter placed to drain the bladder. Peri-operative antibiotics are administered.  A vertical incision is made to the perineum approximately 1-2 cm inferior to the penoscrotal junction and carried 1 cm anterior to the rectum. Dissection is continued through Colles’ fascia and the underlying bulbocavernous muscle. Sharp dissection is continued until the spongiosal bulb has been freely dissected. The perineal body is identified and dissection is continued proximally approximately 4 cm.
Attention is then focused on identification and marking of the anatomical and landmarks for placement of the surgical passers. The adductor longus tendon is identified and marked, each of the two trochar insertion sites are then marked, and insertion is performed just lateral to the inferior pubic ramus. The skin sites are incised and surgical passer placement is performed.  A surgical finger is placed inside the perineal dissection and to identify the inferior pubic ramus where the passer will exit. Under manual guidance, the passer is advanced through the medial aspect of the obturator foramen, exiting at the level of the perineal body lateral to the spongiosal bulb.  Care is taken to maintain a 45º angle during passage, therefore completing the trochar rotation. The passer is then hooked to the respective sling arm, which is then pulled though the obturator foramen to exit via the skin incision bringing the mesh into place. The mesh is then checked to ensure that twisting has not occurred. Subsequently, the opposite passer is placed in an identical fashion and the sling is pulled into place.
The central mesh anchor is sutured into place, with the posterior aspect fixed to the spongiosal tissue at the most proximal aspect of the bulbar dissection. The distal anchor is then sutured to the spongiosal tissue, each performed with 3-0 vicryl suture.  Tensioning of the sling is now performed, by pulling the mesh arms so the bulb of the corpus spongiosum is brought cephalad by the sling. Sling tensioning is  increased until 3-4 cm of proximal urethral movement is obtained. Bulbar suspension is confirmed by measuring proximal movement from the initial point of fixation to the perineal body.  A cystourethroscopy is then performed to rule out any urethral or bladder injury. The arms of the mesh are cut below skin level and skin incisions closed with Dermabond.  The perineal dissection is then closed with a standard 3-layer closure with absorbable suture.
Cpt Code: 
53440 Sling Operation for correction of male urinary incontinence (eg, fascia or synthetic) – Open Approach
ICD-10CM :
N39.3 Stress incontinence (female) (male)
Operative Report – Laparoscopic removal  
A laparoscopic approach was utilized to remove the polypropylene mesh sling from the retropubic space and , bladder, We entered the peritoneal cavity through the umbilicus and then placed 3 ancillary ports under direct vision .  A 10-mm port is placed in the left paramedian region for suturing, and 5-mm ports are placed suprapubically and in the right paramedian region. After the pneumoperitoneum was created, and adhesiolyis was performed, and taken down, the bladder is filled in a retrograde manner with 200 mL to 300 mL of saline, allowing for identification of the superior border of the bladder edge. Entrance into the space of Retzius was accomplished with a transperitoneal approach using a Harmonic scalpel.  The incision was made approximately 3 cm above the bladder reflection, beginning along the medial border of the right obliterated umbilical ligament. After entering the space of Retzius the pubic ramus was visualized; the bladder drained to prevent injury during dissection. Separation of the loose areolar and fatty layers using blunt dissection develops the retropubic space, and dissection is continued until the retropubic anatomy is clearly visualized. Identification of the sling mesh was made where it touches the pubic rami,  approximately 3 cm lateral from midline.  Once identified, the mesh was grasped and excised from the anterior abdominal wall and then peeled free of the pubic rami periosteum. Dissection was then continued down along the mesh toward the bladder and pubocervical fascia. Extensive scarring was encountered, and the mesh was cut out with the scarred tissue.  In addition, the mesh was eroded into the bladder, and the dissection was continued down to where the mesh appeared to be eroded into the bladder.  The mesh was removed  but erosion was not found to be in the bladder. Dissection was continued down to and through the pubocervical fascia on both sides. An incision was then made suburethrally, and the remaining mesh below the urethra identified, cut in the midline, and freed up allowing removal of the entire portion of the mesh sling.   All laparoscopic surgical devices were removed and accurate sponge and surgical devices accounted for.  Patient then taken to the recovery area, and will be discharged when stable.
Cpt Code: 
                57287 Removal or revision of sling for stress incontinence (eg, fascia or synthetic) – Open or laparoscopic Approach
ICD-10CM :
T83.711D Erosion of implanted vaginal mesh to surrounding organ or tissue; subsequent encounter
Wrap up
The biggest challenge of coding for SUI is ensuring that the correct codes were chosen for either open or laparoscopic approach.  In addition to ensuring that your codes for CPT are correct, but double check your ICD-10cm diagnoses for accuracy.  And with all claims, follow them to ensure that they were submitted in a timely manner, but were also reimbursed correctly.  If not, then file an appeal for readjudication or peer review as necessary.
Lori-Lynne A. Webb, CPC, CCS-P, CCP, CHDA, COBGC and ICD10 cm/pcs Ambassador/trainer is an E&M, and Procedure based Coding, Compliance, Data Charge entry and HIPAA Privacy specialist, with over 20 years of experience.  Lori-Lynne’s coding specialty is OB/GYN office & Hospitalist Services, Maternal Fetal Medicine, OB/GYN Oncology, Urology, and general surgical coding.  She can be reached via e-mail at [email protected] or you can also find current coding information on her blog site:  

Lori-Lynne’s Coding Coach Blog

Over Ten Years Experience in Surgical and Professional Fee Certified Coder

3888 Lone Oak Rd SE
Salem, OR 97302
Phone: (503) 999-1895
[email protected]

Chemeketa Community College:

Medical Coding and Billing Certificate
6/11 Dean’s List

Health Information Tech. Certificate
6/11 Dean’s List

Western Oregon University:

Bachelors of Science in Health
Education 2001

Relevant Course:

ICD-10 CM Coding/Reimbursement
CPT-IV Coding/Reimbursement
Advanced CPT- IV Coding
Advanced ICD-10-CM Coding
Medical Terminology
Human Diseases
Health Information Systems
Medical Insurance Billing
Medical Law and Ethics

Selected Accomplishment:

Selected to be a consultant for the ICD-10 change over for October 1, 2015

Medical coding/billing SPECIALIST
Multi-Educated Professional seeking employment in a Remote Medical Office Setting Part-Time

Accomplished, well-rounded coding/billing professional seeking an employment position in Healthcare remote office setting. Self-motivated, innovative, and hard-working individual. Dependable, with a genuine interest for medical coding.

EPIC, NextGen, Optum, Meditech, Epremis, TruCode, SuperCoder, Healthland, GE Centricity, MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint)

Diagnostic Imaging 2016 to present
Medical Coder

Assigned ICD 10, CPT, and HCPC codes to all billable visits (Interventional and Diagnostic Imaging)
Trained and mentored prospective coders to the radiology practice.
Reviewed clinical documentation for completeness and billable to insurance.
Assisted the accounts receivable with claim denials and CCI edits.
Communicated and educated the providers regarding coding rules and documentation issues.

Hope Orthopedics 2014-2016
Coding Specialist

Assigned ICD 10, CPT, and HCPC codes to all billable visits (office visits, ED visits, consults, outpatient procedures, etc.)
Reviewed clinical documentation for completeness and billable to insurance.
Assisted the accounts receivable with claim denials and CCI edits.
Communicated and educated the providers regarding coding rules and documentation issues.
In-house consultant for the orthopedic group for the ICD-10 change-over

Samaritan Health Services 2011-2014
Charge Master HIM Coder/Analyst (CDM)

Monitor unbilled accounts and report for outstanding and/or un-coded discharges to reduce AR days.
Abstracts pertinent information from patient records for coding/billing purposes.
Liaison between Application Coordinators and Medical Records for charge issue database.
Verify requested charge issues, CPT codes, and patient information before submitting to processing.
Assist in all set – up and changes to pricing and procedure code tables.

~ Positive Attitude ~ ~ Detail Oriented ~ ~ Organized ~ ~ Problem Solver ~

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

global surgical pacakage

We have been reimbursing for X Rays done during the post op visits in office during global period. My understanding is that " Diagnostic procedures such as x-rays, ultrasound or other imaging services, laboratory, or durable medical equipment." are not included in the Global Surgery package. We got a claim today where in they have claimed only Technical Component for the X ray and not the complete x ray procedure ( both tech + professional component). They say that during post op office visits they only have been billing the TC components as professional component is the part of the global package.

I hope I have made my self clear enough ?! Can you advise if the professional component of x ray is part of the Global package and only technical part is not during post op visits in office ?

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

CUSA Cavitron Ultrasonic surgical Aspirator

I have scoured the internet to find anything about this procedure. I usually slip it in with other destruction of lesion(s) anus: ei… Condyloma, Papilloma, Mulluscum contagiosum, Herpetic vesicle
as my providers usually do a combination of surgical excision 46922, electrocautery 46910, or multi approaches to extensive lesions. CPT-46924
but my last op report us solely using CUSA only.

" I did commence my procedure here using the CUSA device to remove the top few layers of skin down to good healthy tissue. I did this in a continuous anner all across the posterior portion of the perineal body. Operating anoscope was inserted. I was able to appreciate changes up to the midline in the anterior midline. I then took approximately 1/3 of the circumference of the anal canal and using CUSA removed the abnormal tissue in the anterior midline. I did not need to remove anything from the lateral locations or the posterior location. Hemostasis was achieved. Perineal body was further inspected. I did a little bit more work anteriorly in one small area near her right labia. All this was sent a CUSA aspirate"

DX- K62.82 Dysplasia AIN 1 & 2, D01.3 Carcinoma in situ, VIN

There is no cpt description for Ultrasonic destruction. Any one come across this yet?

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Surgical prior auth

I am needing help with a surgery getting denied by their insurance. Patient was admitted thru the er. The hospital staff prior authorized the inpatient stay but did not get one for any surgeries, with the insurance company with a diagnosis of back pain. The patient went on to have spine surgery during this stay. The insurance has paid the hospital including the operative charges, even our assistant surgery charges ( assistant surgeon does not need a p.a.) but they have denied our primary surgeon charges. Any suggestions to get this corrected? By the time it gets to our office to bill it out the patient is usually already home & recovering from surgery?

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Surgical Coding of an Operative Report

When coding for an operative report, from what sources can you pull ICD-10 information? You can use the operative report itself as well as any information from the related pathology report but can you use other sources, such as the H&P, another provider’s notes, previous pathology and/or op reports, etc?
And please provide information from a documented source rather than opinion as this information is needed for research by a compliance department.
Thank you

Medical Billing and Coding Forum