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2018 CPC Practice Exam Answer Key 150 Questions With Full Rationale (HCPCS, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, CPT Codes) Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions with Full Rationale Answers

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Colectomy Advice, modifier 52?

Hello, I am wondering if I should code as 44140-52, 44139? I don’t see an anastomosis. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you

Sigmoid Colectomy, omentectomy, release splenic flexure Procedure Note

Pre-op Diagnosis:

Post-op Diagnosis: SAME
CPT Code: Procedures:
* Sigmoid Colectomy, omentectomy, release splenic flexure.
Indications: Sepsis, black mucosa of sigmoid colon on detorsing sigmoidoscopy.
Description of Procedure: While already in OR 5 under GA, we complete time out and shave the abdomen. The anesthesia service has placed support lines. The abdomen is clipped (shaved) and prepped with chlorhexidine and draped after 3 minutes. A midline incision from above the umbilicus to suprapubis is created and later extended cephalad to visualize and release the splenic flexure. The dark purple-black thick and distended sigmoid colon is released from overlying congested omentum by dividing omentum with Ensure and the sigmoid had torsed again that proximal sigmoid was in the left pelvis. Once rotated and delivered, the sharp demarcation of descending colon with sigmoid is recognized. The line of Toldt is barely visible with markedly thickened peritoneum and markedly distended colon to about 12 cm. The peritoneum is scored and released that the distal descending colon can be encircled and I divide with 100 mm green load GIA. I release mesentery with scoring with cautery and division with Enseal, separating and thinning the mesentery to avoid injury to ureter. I elevate the mobilized redundant colon to skin level and continue to divide mesentery with Enseal. The proximal rectum is thick but the demarcation line evident. The peritoneum is thick and by elevation the cul de sac is seen but I don’t need to divide mesorectum, we stay more proximal at the promontory. I encircle here and elevate and divide with green load GIA. The remainder of thick mesentery on each side scored and divided with Enseal til removed. The left ureter is identified, the right peritoneum had not been opened and dissection medial to natural course of right ureter. Now the infarcted and congested omentum is removed along the transverse colon with Enseal. One bleeding point of divided descending mesentery is found and responsible for most of today’s operative blood loss, about 75 mL and the pedicle is tied with 2-0 silk. The descending stump is released more proximally but will not reach a Lower Quadrant stomal tunnel. I extend the incision and release the gastrocolic omentum on the left, the splenocolic ligament with no injury to visualized lower pole of spleen. Mesentery is released off kidney until the mobilized colon can reach beyond a left upper quadrant tunnel. A plug of skin is excised, the fascia and muscle split longitudinally and the stapled stump can be drawn through the tunnel to the outside skin surface about 1 1/2 inches.
All laparotomy pads are removed, the abdomen irrigated with clear return; no evident bleeding. Small bowel lays normally, the appendix and cecum in the right. The right and transverse colon was so distended that I felt compelled to mature, hence abdominal closure and stoma maturation. I close the loose abdomen with running #1 Maxon and skin loose closed at 3 cm intervals with staples. A Prevena vac system is applied. The stoma appliance lays partly over the Prevena. The staple line is cut and stoma matured with cut edge, side wall and cuticle of skin approximation with 3-0 vicryl. The mucosa is viable but beginning purple discolored as much from pressors but viable. I use a
Gloved digit to verify the tunnel not too narrowed and it isn’t. An appliance is applied.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Need help with a colectomy procedure, please :)

WOULD YOU CODE AS 44143,44139?

PROCEDURE: Exploratory laparotomy. Rectosigmoid resection. Mobilization of the right colon, hepatic and splenic flexures. Debridement of right retroperitoneal space.

A standard midline incision was performed. Prior to entering the peritoneal cavity, there was a purulent infection noted coming from the right lower quadrant and right mid abdominal retroperitoneal space. Upon entering the abdominal cavity, there was murky peritoneal fluid but no obvious succus entericus identified. The omentum was matted and fixed to a pelvic inflammatory/neoplastic mass. The omentum was mobilized by dividing it between Kelly clamps and tying off with 0 silk suture. Loops of the terminal ileum or fixed to the mass as well but not incorporated by it. The inflammatory adhesions were taken down freeing the small intestine from the pelvic mass.
Once it was decided that the the pelvic mass was the probable source of perforation and sepsis and resection was eminent, the right hemiabdomen was explored by mobilizing the right colon. There was evidence of a previous appendectomy. The right ureter was identified. There was a foul-smelling diffuse infectious process involving the soft tissues of the right retroperitoneum, incorporating the renal space. The hepatic flexure was mobilized and the duodenum exposed. There is no bile staining in the sub-hepatic space and the duodenum appeared intact and without inflammation as did the stomach and gallbladder. The NG tube was palpated. The liver appeared normal. There is a small hemangioma in the left hepatic lobe. The necrotic tissue of the right retroperitoneal space was excised.
The small bowel was run from the ligament of Treitz to the ileocecal valve and there is no evidence of perforation or malignancy. The transverse colon was palpated and normal. The left colon–sigmoid colon junction was then divided with a TA stapler. Mesentery was scored medially and the left colon/sigmoid avascular line was incised to fully mobilize the left colon and sigmoid. The sigmoid colon mesentery was divided between Kelly clamps and tied off with 0 silk suture. Left ureter was identified and protected. The inflammatory–possibly neoplastic mass was then mobilized from the pelvic sidewall. Upon dividing the dense tissue surrounding the mass, a small colotomy was created. The posterior rectal space was entered allowing for isolation of the lateral stalks that were divided under direct vision using sharp dissection and cautery. The inflamed anterior space was entered as well allowing for the contour stapler to encompass the superior rectum for excision of the rectosigmoid. 0 Prolene sutures were placed on the lateral aspect of the superior rectum for future identification. The left colon was viable and mobilized to the splenic flexure.
Anesthesia department reported difficulty maintaining the patient’s blood pressure despite maximum fluids and pressor agents. Therefore the decision was made to irrigate the abdomen with several liters of warm saline and to place an AB Thera device for closure and to take the patient back for a second look in 24-48 hours. There was diffuse oozing from the right retroperitoneal space. Upon mobilizing the liver by dividing the ligamentum teres, there was a small tear made in the left lobe that was cauterized and a small piece of Surgicel placed for hemostasis. Otherwise there is no significant bleeding. Sponge needle count was correct. The abdomen Ab Thera was placed to vacuum suction with a good seal. The patient was then taken to the intensive care unit intubated and stable but in critical condition.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

RT colectomy w/ removal of termi ileum & anastamosis & LT colectomy w/anastamosi OPEN

44140 & 44160 is bundled. I’ve had this only a couple of times before & I think it was small bowel. It doesn’t seem right that two different sides of the colon are bundled.

I’m not going to post the op report as it’s quite lengthy even with cut & paste sections but the description & codes are the same.

Any input would be appreciated.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Colectomy with abscess drainage 49020-59 Bundled?

So, doctors are on a 49020-59 roll and want it on all colectomy procedures that mention peritonitis, such as 44143 (Hartman’s). I specifically asked someone at a seminar this scenario and was told no:

If the doctor opens a patient and finds an abscess on one portion of intestine (say transverse), drains it, and then performs a Hartman’s (not involving the transverse), can we bill a 49020-59 with it?

If the doctor opens a patient and finds pus and fecal matter in the abdomen due to perforation, drains it, and then performs a Hartman’s, can we bill 49020-59?

I know my opinion/thoughts on it but don’t want to sway anyone with them.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Prolapsed Colostomy, partial colectomy, new ileostomy

I am having a difficult time settling on this case. Any advice would be much appreciated!
I have the scrubbed op note below:

DIAGNOSIS: Prolapsed sigmoid colostomy.

PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Excision prolapsed colon with re-maturation and new
spot of end Brooke ileostomy.


SPECIMEN: Right colon.


DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The patient was taken to the operating room and
placed in the supine position on the operating room table. Time out session was
successfully conducted. The area was prepped and draped in the usual sterile
fashion. Incision was made around the colostomy itself and carried down through
subcutaneous tissue using Bovie electrocautery. The colostomy, the prolapsed
portion and the healthy portion were then freed entirely from the skin and was
advanced forward and approximately 4-5 inches in, the appendix was identified,
indicating the end of the colon. This was pulled entirely into the wound and
inspection of the colon revealed approximately 3-4 inches of healthy colon. I
consulted a colleague for an intraoperative consult to discuss whether or not
salvage of this colon was appropriate in this setting for possible reanastomosis in
the future. We had a discussion and the decision was made to create a new sited end
Brooke ileostomy as there was not sufficient colon for solid stool. The 10 mm
LigaSure was then used to take down the mesocolon to the level of the cecum. A
GIA-75 stapler was then used to come across the terminal ileum proximal to the
ileocecal valve in preparation for creation of the ostomy. This specimen was sent
as right colon with prolapsed right colon intussusception. A place was chosen
cephalad to the old site as it was herniated and was not good for the ostomy
caliber. A small circular incision was made and a cruciate incision was made
through the rectus fascia itself until the ostomy was pulled through with the
Babcock. This was placed on the skin. The old ostomy site was sharply debrided. A
running looped 0 Prolene suture was used to close the fascia of the old ostomy site.
Staples were placed in the skin leaving a gap and it was packed with quarter inch
iodoform gauze. The ostomy was then matured on the skin with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl
sutures in a rosebud fashion. Ostomy device was placed and the procedure was
terminated. Needle, sponge and instrument counts were correct at the end of the
procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well.

My point of concern is this:
44346: Does not mention relocating the stoma (especially converting to ileostomy)
44345: Does mention relocating the colostomy stoma, however this is now converted to an ileostomy.

Would I code closure of colostomy, partial resection of colon, ileostomy all separate?
That doesn’t seem right either…

Charge sheet shows: 44160, 44312

I am probably overthinking this. 😮
Please help!
Thank you for your time!

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Partial Colectomy with delayed colostomy due to complication

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated…

My surgeon took a patient to the OR and completed partial colectomy of the transverse and descending colon. The patient began having cardiac issues and the operation had to be halted prior to any anastomosis or stoma creation. They covered his open abdomen with a negative pressure dressing and towels and placed a drain then an airtight seal.

The next day he was taken back to the OR – negative pressure dressings removed and abdomen explored. They performed partial omentectomy, created end colostomy and matured it. the abdominal wound was packed with wet Kerlix and ABD pads.

Should I use code:
Day 1:
44141 with -53 to indicate the discontinuance of the initial procedure?
44139 mobilization of splenic flexure (clearly documented in op note)
97607 for negative pressure dressing

Day 2:
44320-58 or 44141-52-58 for the colostomy creation for?
49255 for omentemtectomy day 2?

Thank you in advance

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

CPT coding for Open Right colectomy with end ileostomy

Hello: Our surgeon performed an open right colectomy with end ileostomy. Normally for a right colectomy, we would use 44160 and the use 44310 for creation of an ileostomy However, 44160 states that an anastomosis is performed. With an end ileostomy, no anastomosis is performed. Also, this is a Medicare patient, so the use of the 52 modifier (reduced services) with 44160 will be denied. I would appreciate any assistance with coding this.

Medical Billing and Coding

partial colectomy with open omentopexy

I could use some help on this case:

My provider performed an open sigmoid colectomy on a pt and, because the pt has a history of enterovesical fistula, he performed an omentopexy to the previous fistula site on the bladder to make sure there was a good fat plane between the anastomosis and the bladder. I’m having a hard time finding a code for an open omentopexy – can anyone help? I’m thinking it would be unlisted 49999.

thanks in advance for helping!

Medical Billing and Coding | AAPC Forum