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2018 CPC Practice Exam Answer Key 150 Questions With Full Rationale (HCPCS, ICD-9-CM, ICD-10, CPT Codes) Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions with Full Rationale Answers

Practice Exam

Click here for more sample CPC practice exam questions and answers with full rationale

Laparoscopic drainage of pelvic abscesses

I’m trying to find a CPT code for the above description. It’s not the appendix. The patient has diverticulitis. The doctor states abscesses were in the left lower quadrant and right side of the upper pelvis. Also located between the uterus and bladder. He doesn’t mention that the abscesses are on the colon. Can someone help me? Thank you!

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Nail avulsion, nail debridement, 1ncision and drainage

Hi Just wanted to get clarification on the procedures below and wondering if it’s coded correctly. Any thoughts?

PROCEDURE Each nail border was debrided of callused nail grooves, incurvated and ingrown areas, hypertrophied cuticle and mycotic and necrotic debris. Betadine solution was used to cleanse each nail plate for antiseptic reasons after debridement was performed.

OPERATION the affected areas were prepped in the usual sterile manner. The initial approach was made with an english nail splitter using that instrument to excise the nail border spicule along the full length of the nail from the tip to the eponychial attachment., Using a freer elevator and a medium hemostat the nail border was removed. The defect was curretted clean removing all necrotic and calloused nail groove and diseased cuticle.

The pus pocket paronychia abscess was incised and drained and any visible necrotic skin and tissue removed., The surgical wound was dressed using a Betadine pad drain, antiobiotic ointment, 4×4 digital cut, kling and stockinette.

CPT: 11721, 11730, 10060

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Drainage of Infected Urethral Diverticulum – 6 mos pregnant w/ twins

Does anyone know what cpt code to use for drainage of infected urethral diverticulm? I was leaning towards 10160 but not sure if accurate.

From PT’s chart –
"URETHRA: 5cm x 2cm large urethral diverticulum present. When mass was palpated, about 20ml of purulent fluid
was expressed through urethra. After obtaining permission from patient, local anesthetic was applied to the
anterior vagina and additional 5ml of purulent fluid was obtained percutaneously via needle decompression.
Resultant diverticular sac felt to be originating from midurethra with potential loculations still present
but not able to be successfully drained at present time. Bleeding noted from anterior vaginal wall puncture
sites which resolved with holding pressure."

"Today, we decompressed majority of diverticulum transurethrally and percutaneously. A straight catheterized urine culture was sent and needle aspirated fluid also sent for culture."

Thanks in advance for any help someone may offer! This is not a procedure I’ve ever coded for before!

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Drainage of Infected Urethral Diverticulum – 6 mos pregnant w/ twins

I code for a Urogynecologist office, & this is a first that I’ve ever had to code for this – Does anyone know what cpt code to use for drainage of infected urethral diverticulum? I was leaning towards 10160 but not sure if accurate.

From PT’s chart –
"URETHRA: 5cm x 2cm large urethral diverticulum present. When mass was palpated, about 20ml of purulent fluid
was expressed through urethra. After obtaining permission from patient, local anesthetic was applied to the
anterior vagina and additional 5ml of purulent fluid was obtained percutaneously via needle decompression.
Resultant diverticular sac felt to be originating from midurethra with potential loculations still present
but not able to be successfully drained at present time. Bleeding noted from anterior vaginal wall puncture
sites which resolved with holding pressure."

"Today, we decompressed majority of diverticulum transurethrally and percutaneously. A straight catheterized urine culture was sent and needle aspirated fluid also sent for culture."

Thanks in advance for any help someone may offer!

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

CPT code VATS with drainage of pleural effusion-help please

VATS surgery is new to me and I was hoping for some assistance.

I cannot locate a code for VATS with draining of pleural effusion. I saw a post where it was said to use 32601. My encoder leads me to an unlisted code.

"Thoracoscope was introduced into the chest showing fair decompression of the right lung with a large serous effusion present. The effusion was then evacuated with a suction."

My other question is my provider always inserts a chest tube at the conclusion of the procedure. This is allowed to be coded separately with a 59 modifier per CCI edits. My gut is telling me this is wound be bundled. Does anyone code a chest tube with VATS surgeries?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Abdominal Wall Abscess- Exploration of abdominal wall with debridement and drainage

Just trying to feel a bit more secure in coding this one. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks in advance!!

Abdominal wall abscess.
Abdominal wall abscess involving urethral sling.

Exploration of abdominal wall with debridement and drainage.

The patient was taken to the OR. After induction of adequate general anesthesia, the patient was prepped with Betadine and draped sterilely. The abscess was slightly to the right of midline extending from across the symphysis towards the right mons and labia. The incision was made to the right of midline, carried down through subcutaneous tissue. Upon entering the cavity, foul-smelling frothy fluid exuded. Cultures for anaerobic and anaerobic were taken. There was necrotic tissue underneath. Extensive debridement was performed tunneling to the left of midline along the pubic ramus was noted and then significantly towards the labia and then also towards the right anterior superior iliac spine. The area was well debrided completely open with no residual necrotic tissue appreciated. In the base of the wound, the sling was noted. The thinned end of polypropylene was easily detached on the left side, but as well secured to the right of midline and tunneling down towards the introitus in the urethra. It was still well attached. Decision was not to more aggressively pull on this but to tag it with 0 silk suture and __________ that proper debridement of all areas were performed. The debridement extended from the skin through all subcutaneous tissue down to the pubic ramus and symphysis. The fascia was exposed. The area of debridement measured approximately 15 cm x 12 cm. The
patient’s wound was packed with Kerlix and a dry sterile dressing. She was taken to recovery room in stable condition.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Colectomy with abscess drainage 49020-59 Bundled?

So, doctors are on a 49020-59 roll and want it on all colectomy procedures that mention peritonitis, such as 44143 (Hartman’s). I specifically asked someone at a seminar this scenario and was told no:

If the doctor opens a patient and finds an abscess on one portion of intestine (say transverse), drains it, and then performs a Hartman’s (not involving the transverse), can we bill a 49020-59 with it?

If the doctor opens a patient and finds pus and fecal matter in the abdomen due to perforation, drains it, and then performs a Hartman’s, can we bill 49020-59?

I know my opinion/thoughts on it but don’t want to sway anyone with them.

Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Drainage catheter injection

I need help with this, I have a biliary drainage catheter that was just injected, no other intervention performed. I can’t seem to find a code for this. Here is the ope report:

A pigtail 14 French drainage catheter is seen along the right lateral abdomen on scout imaging. Numerous internal common bile duct endoscopically placed stents are in place in addition to numerous coils overlying the porta hepatis region. Gentle contrast injection into the 14 French biliary drainage catheter shows some communication with the biliary tree which appears decompressed and evidence of a small biloma. Because of this a drainage catheter was not removed and a small sample was obtained and sent to labratory for culture and sensitivity with copy sent to primary care physician.

A total of 0.7 minutes fluoroscopy time utilized. Total of 3 cc of Isovue-300 gentle contrast administration into the existing 14 French biliary drainage catheter. The exit of the catheter was securely taped to minimize withdrawal and communication gibven for later assessment by the initial service placing the 14 French catheter as to whether or not they would like replacement or removal.

Thank you in advance for any help!


Medical Billing and Coding Forum

Incision and drainage vs skin pocket relocated

Please help out to select the codes for this report.

Patient existing pacemaker generator skin pocket was infected. Incision and drainage was done by using scalpel and existing skin pocket was closed with dressing. New pocket was created in the additional area of skin and pacemaker generator was relocated without complication.

CPT please


Medical Billing and Coding Forum